Convert WPD to DOCX
Online & free tool to convert WPD files to DOCX

1) Input file

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0 of 5 files added (up to 300 MB combined)

2) Output format

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3) Convert

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1) File URL

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2) Output format

Select a target format to convert to:

3) Convert

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2) Output format

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3) Convert

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WPD The WPD format and its associated .wpd filename extension is text document file format developed by Satellite Systems International. It was released as the native file format for the company's WordPerfect word processing application. The company and its digital assets were later acquired by Corel in 1996 who have maintained active development of the format and the software application. Though WordPerfect was initially cross platform with support for MS-DOS, Mac, and Windows, by 1997, there was only Microsoft Windows compatibility and support. The format, despite being a text document format, has support for formatted text, simple tables as well as drawn objects.
DOCX In an effort to create an open document standard, Microsoft in collaboration with ISO/IEC and Ecma, developed the Office Open XML standard in 2006. One of the filename extensions supported in this specification is the .docx extension, a text document filename extension. The .docx was introduced in Microsoft Office Word 2007 and has been supported ever since in later iterations. It has become the default filename extension for all text documents produced using Microsoft Office Word. Given the open source nature of the XML specification, more alternative document processing applications support read and write capabilities on documents saved with the .docx filename extension. This is in comparison to the .doc filename extension which is a proprietary asset owned by Microsoft.

How to convert WPD to DOCX


Select the document file in the WPD format to convert to the DOCX format, you can select a file from your computer or your Google Drive or Dropbox account.                            


Choose the DOCX format from the drop-down list as the output format, and click the Convert button, you can convert up to 5 files at the same time and a maximum size of up to 300 MB.


Wait until your file is uploaded and converted into the DOCX document format, you can download the converted file up to a maximum of 5 times, and can also delete the file from the Download page.

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