MOBI Converter
Mobipocket eBook

File Extension MOBI
Category EBook File
Technical Details The mobi file format extends the popular HTML specification adding DRM protection support. It includes advanced file navigation support such as indexing, book marks, notes, and annotations. The format is adapted to reflowing content layout to optimally use the screen size of its device, but it has a hard limitation of 64 kilobytes for images which may cause image files to incorrectly display on larger displays such as tablets and pc monitors.
Associated Programs Mobipocket Reader
STDU Viewer
Kindle for PC FBReader
Apple ibooks

We support the conversion of MOBI into 16 different formats. Pick a conversion type from the list below and begin a file conversion today

Convert from MOBI Conversions Rating
0 MOBI to AZW3 (Amazon Kindle eBook File) 5 891 votes
1 MOBI to EPUB (Open eBook File) 4.9 505 votes
2 MOBI to FB2 (FictionBook 2.0 File)
3 MOBI to HTMLZ (Zipped HTML eBook)
4 MOBI to LIT (eBook File)
5 MOBI to LRF (Linker Response File)
6 MOBI to PDB (Program Database)
7 MOBI to PDF (Portable Document Format File) 5 10157 votes
8 MOBI to PMLZ (Zipped Palm Markup Language File)
9 MOBI to RB (Rosebud Profile)
10 MOBI to RTF (Rich Text Format File) 5 24 votes
11 MOBI to SNB (Shanda Bambook eBook File)
12 MOBI to TCR (Text Compression for Reader)
13 MOBI to TXT (Plain Text File) 5 21 votes
14 MOBI to TXTZ (Compressed TXT format)
15 MOBI to ZIP (Zipped File) 2.8 4 votes