CAF Converter
Core Audio File

File Extension CAF
Category Audio File
Technical Details A .caf format file uses 64-bit file offset technology that can save a large number of recorded audio files in different formats and metadata tracks. Apart from audio data, these files store information like text, channel layouts, markers and annotations. Programs like Logic Studio and Soundtrack Pro frequently use CAF format files for additional sound effects and surround sound audio compression.
Associated Programs VideoLAN VLC Media Player
Apple Logic Pro
Apple QuickTime Player

We support the conversion of CAF into 11 different formats. Pick a conversion type from the list below and begin a file conversion today

Convert from CAF Conversions Rating
0 CAF to AAC (Advanced Audio Coding File)
1 CAF to AC3 (Audio Codec 3 File)
2 CAF to AIFF (Audio Interchange File Format)
3 CAF to AMR (Adaptive Multi-Rate Codec File)
4 CAF to AMV (Anime Music Video File)
5 CAF to APE (AVS Plugin Effects File)
6 CAF to DTS (DTS Encoded Audio File)
7 CAF to FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec File)
8 CAF to MP3 (MP3 Audio File) 4.9 128 votes
9 CAF to OGG (Ogg Vorbis Compressed Audio File) 5 3 votes
10 CAF to WAV (WAVE Audio File)